DFC are part of the Transaction Services Group (TSG), a leading global payment solutions provider with a presence in Australasia, US (Debitsuccess and FFA Paysmart), the UK and within Europe.

At DFC we provide bespoke and cost-effective FULLY MANAGED direct debit solutions which will benefit your organisation. Our solutions integrate well with standard systems, and include excellent reporting functions.  Our payment processes not only allow you to manage your direct debit payments with ease. They also allow you to capture customer’s information which can integrate with your CRM applications.

We have been providing a specialist service efficiently collecting regular payments for thousands of satisfied clients within the UK since 1975.  This has led us to being one of the markets leading direct debit collections bureaus, globally servicing over 2,000,000 happy clients.

Our history in the sport & activity sector has furnished us with ability to help you improve your relationships with your customers by providing a more secure, effective and flexible way to subscribe to your services by direct debit either face to face or via your own website.
Key Points

  • 50% increase on your monthly fees via our FULLY MANAGED payment solutions.
  • 100% UK Based full service call centre.
  • 24 HOUR, Management system giving you up to date information about your customer’s payments.
  • 60% Reduced administration costs, allowing key staff to concentrate on other key areas of your business.
  • 20% increase in sales, anytime, any location, via our online portal, FASTDD
  • API integration to your management software systems.

DFC have helped thousands of happy clients to improve their income and significantly reduce administration costs, to find out how we can help your business do the same call us to arrange an informal chat on 01908 422000 or find out more at www.debitfinance.co.uk



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Services Overview

Sport and Activity Professionals is a specialist company working in the sport and activity business sector. Through its consultancy arm, it assists the sport/fitness/health/play/education sectors to add value through enabling clients to become more professional and to increase quality, revenue, efficiency and profit through practical, low cost, easy-to-implement solutions.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us and we look forward to hearing from you. Thankyou

Telephone: 0770 2255 808
Skype: Mark.Rasche1
Twitter: @Sport_Mark
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/markrasche
E-mail: mark.rasche@sportprofessionals.co.uk